
About Gimpy:

Why the name Gimpy?
One night when she was about 4 months old, she got out of the house while my fathers freinds where playing poker. The gate to the side yard was opened during the night, and she must have run out as curious kities do without anyone noticing. I was living 20 minutes away from home at my college campus housing, and was not there that night, but the story I am told by my brother and father goes something like this: When the card game was over and my dad was cleaning up, he heard the cats meows and whining as she came stumbling into the house. Limping and bloody she hobbled under the table. My father can't stomach the sight of blood, and called my brother (who is not much tougher) downstairs to help. Her leg was broken at the joint, and "dangling" as my brother described. Anyway, she gets to the vet and they need her information. We called her many different names at the time, but couldnt agree on any of them. When the receptionist asked my brother for her name, he said "Chewy". It wasnt even one of the names we debated. I have no idea where he came up with that one. So anyway, its about 10 am the next morning, I get out of class, and am listening to the above mentioned story being told by my brother on my answering machine. So getting to the point, he said the following at the end with a giggle to his voice, "So I told them her name is Chewy, but, I think from now on we have to call her Gimpy". I cried at the plight of my little kitten that I brought home just a few short months ago, but began to laugh at her perfect name.

Gimpy ended up needing a cast, because the pins holding her bone together came apart and stuff. After the cast was put on, and she was a the vet waiting for us to come get her, she tried biting off her cast and broke a few teeth. No, she is not giving you a dirty look, but she is toothless and ruthless!

Here is Gimpy's physical therapy session after her cast came off.

obesity genetic? ..Look at her mother...you'll agree

If gimpy were a human she'd be an actress (this is what she'd look like on TV)